Refreshing your website content regularly encourages search engines to visit your website more often and helps build domain authority (Domain authority, briefly explained, is how much of an authority on a particular subject your website is). Google holds this in high regard when trying to match search inquiries with useful and relevant information.
Examples of new content you can add include:
information on new products or services you're selling
customer success stories
videos or stories about your products or services
news related to your business, products or services
Blogs are a great way to achieve this or adding pages to showcase your projects and customer testimonials.
RECOMMENDATION: This is a super easy way to build traction with your site and set yourself apart in the game. Adding a blog or projects page takes very little time to set up and very easy to manage. If you don’t have this, I recommend getting this up and running.
By having social profiles, you are increasing the number of ways a customer can engage with your business and make it that much easier for customers to find you.

IMPROVES SEO: It is also a crucial step in Search Engine Marketing (SEO) as it helps you increase your content’s visibility in search results. The links you share across social platforms increase brand exposure and when more people share your content, it generates signals & quality backlinks that indicate your content is useful to your target market. The right type of social media content published on a regular basis can make a huge difference to how you show up in search result.

VALIDATION: Before spending money, most consumers do their research. They want to get insight from other people’s experience to know whether your products and services are the right fit for them. Recent studies have shown that 75% of consumers are influenced by online reviews. Facebook is a great way to get reviews while also showcasing your brand and products/services.

RECOMMENDATION: Because Social profiles are free, they are one of the most cost effective means to promote your business and increase awareness of your products and services. While not all businesses need to have a profile on every platform, it is a wasted opportunity to not have at least one to post regular content on. Not having a presence means, you leave a gap in the “path” where a competitor could place their stone.

90% of all information that we perceive and that gets transmitted to our brains is visual. Imagery is one of the most important elements to your website. When used effectively, they can provide insight into the purpose of your website and your brand. When optimised for SEO, they can also help your website search results, increasing organic traffic.
The key things to note are:
CLEAR & SHARP IMAGES: Low quality / pixelated / blurry images will affect your credibility
AUTHENTICITY OVER STOCK: Super stock looking images it makes it hard for customers to emotionally connect to what you're selling
IMPACT SEO: Not only does it impact a user's perception of your business, but poor stock photos could indirectly harm your website SEO ranking.
So, should I hire a professional photographer to take pictures for your website? Read more.
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